Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why is it easy to stay in love with somebody you never had relations with but despise you spouse?

A spouse that has been controlling at times, that has been emotionally abusive at times, and on several different occasions has been physically abusive (happened over a year ago)?

But can fall easily in love with your doctor? Who is a great loving and caring guy. That treats you with respect. Is handsome, smart and motivated.Why is it easy to stay in love with somebody you never had relations with but despise you spouse?
because your relationship with your doctor is a fantasy. There is no realtionship there is no reality and there is no stress

Divorce the scum husband but the doctor is just a fantasyWhy is it easy to stay in love with somebody you never had relations with but despise you spouse?
you seriously need help! i added you to my contacts about a year ago and have been following the questions that you ask. you have went from a loving caring mother, trying to finish school to a parent in serious need of parenting classes, remember the incident of your son turning on the oven to moving to another country, to having in-laws staying with you to having a bum of a husband to wanting to have your 3rd child prematurely to not having sex with your husband and now you think your in love with a professional doctor who has only been showing you professional courtesy, lady you are so screwed up stop looking at other people and look at yourself! you are the only one that can change and believe me you need professional help. Please make a appointment to see a therapist and be completely honest with them and they can help you. They can give you guidance and teach you some life skills that you are seriously lacking. You are a good person, you just need some help
The dr gets paid to be nice and concerned. And its so easy to fall in luv wit a fantacy and as soon as u hook up wit him you will then see and notice all his flaws. And he will then to get on your nerves.
I dont think you are in love with your doctor.. you are in love with the idea. Best thing to do is leave the husband and then find someone to love.. in that sequence.
You want what you think you are missing or think that someone else can give you. It's always best to figure out how to get that out of your current relationship

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