Friday, August 20, 2010

Is it legal to call and ask if my spouse has a phone account with another company?

He is cheating on me. I want to know if I can call up at%26amp;t or metro or whomever and ask if he open an account with themIs it legal to call and ask if my spouse has a phone account with another company?
While you may not get arrested for this, in some places there is case law providing him with the ability to sue you for breaching his privacy. It's also highly unlikely that any phone company will provide you with this information. Where do you think the bill is going? Email account? Business address? If it's a business address, there may not be much you can do about it. However, if it's an email account, you can put something like Pandora or another software or hardware that captures screen pictures on your home computer. This will provide you with IDs, passwords, and other info. However, again, there is case law providing him with the ability to sue you for breaching his privacy in some places. Also, if any work that is covered with by privacy laws or privacy contracts is being done on that computer, it doesn't matter who the owner of the computer is. If this is discovered by the company involved or the client involved, one or both can sue both of you. Be very careful of these two things. You may want to visit with your attorney prior to doing either of these.Is it legal to call and ask if my spouse has a phone account with another company?
you can call but i don't think you'll get an answer. because of his privacy rights.

though wouldn't a phone bill come to your address? unless he has his own mailing address. (my ex did that when we were married and i happened to find the key in my car when he borrowed it) maybe he'll slip up . but if you're sure he's cheating, why care about his phone? it will only upset you.

dump him and let them have each other.

Don't think anyone has gotten arrested for it. Go for it! Sorry you have to go through this.

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