Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do you find it difficult to give sympathy to your spouse, occasionally?

I bought a nice new toilet brush, the kind that stands up beside the toilet, about 2 inches higher than the seat.

I guess it was pretty close to the seat.....hubby went in and sat down.......well, there was a loud scream and now he's showing me where the bruise is going to be.

I do sympathize, but it's soooo hard to keep a straight face.Do you find it difficult to give sympathy to your spouse, occasionally?
(snickering quietly here.) Bless his.....whatever.....anyway, yes I give sympathy to my husband. We are experiencing a lot of static electricity in our home, him much more than me. Everytime he gets up from the chair and touches anything he gets a large charge. I was laughing for awhile, but now it's starting to really hurt him. I just look at him and bless his wittle fingers. (and yes it is hard to keep a straight face sometimes.)

As long as we have the static electricity I'm not worried if I have a heart attack. I'm sure he can shock me back to life. Lady Luck, we won't tell that you find it so humorous. ;)Do you find it difficult to give sympathy to your spouse, occasionally?
Yes, I do. That is a two way street. It reminds me of a time when I was a kid and I was out in the shop by myself doodling. The table saw, not running, thank God, turned over and caught me on the knee and bruised me quite badly and it hurt like all get-out.I limped to the house moaning and groaning because I was just too old to cry and went seeking sympathy from Mom. She was wonderful and very comforting and convincing that she somehow shared my pain and asked, '; Can you move it ? ';.I busted out laughing midst my moaning and groaning and said, ';Yea, Momma, I walked in here from the shop on it ';. We both had a good laugh and even though it still hurt like the devil I recovered quickly and developed still another layer of love for my dear, caring Mother.
Be honest, it was revenge for leaving the toilet seat up and you getting up in the middle of the night half asleep and falling into the bowl. I can just see it and I dont feel a lot of sympathy for your impailed spouse, I personally have ';fallen'; into toilet bowls more than once and it is not a nice experience, damn cold for one thing.
I don't think that is funny, he could have been hurt and there would have gone your sex life (how funny would that be). I hate to see my loved ones in pain of any kind.

However I do have a trouble feeling sympathy for people that make one dumb mistake after another (especially when it come to having children and you can't even maintain a stable relationship even one person in the world. I also can't sympathize with women that don't' know how to use birth control properly (popping a pill one time a day does not cut it).

But then that is just me.

I keep my toilet brush under the sink in the cabinet/cleaning closet. Who wants to look at it?
Something must be wrong with me as I don't see the humor in being stabbed by a toilet brush. Yeah, I would have given him sympathy. Then again, my husband never complains about anything, so I never know whether or not he needs sympathy.
I think your husband is lucky he only got a bruise from the handle. It could have gone 'elsewhere'. Sometimes we find things 'funny' only because we're grateful it wasn't us getting hurt. Give him a nice ice pack for his boo-boo and bite the inside of your cheeks. That works for me.
LL, uuuu HAHAHAHAHA ! that's sooooooooFUNNY !

';Sympathy'; ? Heck no ! my wife wouldn't even try to keep a straight face !

(Just think, a few inches to the left or right, and you could hire him out to do housework !)
Sounds like you have a relationship that had become too much of a routine that your hubby doesn't bother to check the surroundings before plopping down. Very difficult to give sympathy with a straight face, yes.
Oh have I heard that one before....haven't all us women...';OOPS Sorry!!!'; well now you are even, and try your best not to laugh too hard!!! put some of that Yellow sheriffs tape on it, maybe he'll see it from now on LOL, LOL...I'm sorry this is really funny to me...thank you!
Hilarious, But I do have a problems showing sympathy to my spouse. Its that im a happy go lucky guy and love to laugh, i think shes just going through the change !
Lady Luck - that is so typical and oh my how I am laughing.

Hubby's asleep - can't wait to share this with him tomorrow.

We always keep the plunger there - I'm thinking - we best move it to the corner.loll

Love it.

I'd have to chuckle to myself if that happened to me. My hubby would think I was getting even for those times he's left the toilet seat up in the middle of the night!
I have found it hard to give my husband sympathy on more then one occasion. My husband is a big baby if he is bleeding even a little bit of blood. I am sorry to say I do giggle
I would have to say that is worse than the seat falling and hitting knees because some of us are fond of fluffy toilet seat covers.
Yes, yes I can see that it would be very hard to keep a straight face in that situation.

I suppose you didn't get the teflon coated toilet bowl then ?!
I find it best to say nothing, wives have a nasty habit of bringing up all your past ';errors'; word perfect.
honest mistake, really but its funny, hell get over it its one those stories youll be telling for years to come lol
Oh dear me , ouch lol. Yes he deserves some for that lol.
If it had been me it would probably have taken a week to wipe the smile off my face!!!
If shes off her nest,,,yes
shame on you!

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