Sunday, August 22, 2010

If you watch internet porn and hide it from your spouse?

Is it considered cheating?If you watch internet porn and hide it from your spouse?
If they are hiding it, and the spouse doesn't like it then yes, it is cheating.

This is from Dr. Phil (this is how I feel about it as well)

It is not OK behavior. It is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into your relationship. It is an insult, it is disloyal and it is cheating.

Consider how it makes your partner feel. If it makes your partner feel ugly, hurt, deceived, lied to or inadequate, then it needs to stop. If it is eroding your relationship, it's gone too far.

Pornography isn't real, it's a fantasy. It's makeup, beauty lenses, hair extensions, camera angles, lighting and silicone! It's also somebody's daughter who has taken a really, really wrong turn. She's demeaning herself, debasing herself, humiliating herself and she's being exploited by people who are funded by you. It is a sick, demented, twisted world. It's not healthy, it's not natural and it's not normal.

Viewing Internet pornography or engaging in cybersex is a short step to taking cheating to the next level.

You need to tell your partner that viewing pornography is absolutely, unequivocally unacceptable in your relationship. Draw a line: Your partner needs to choose between the pornography or the relationship.

Ask yourself or your partner:

Would you do it with your partner standing right there?

Are you turning outside of your relationship to meet a need that should be met within the relationship? You can't change what you don't acknowledge, so find out if you or your partner have a problem.

Do you justify the behavior by saying, ';It's harmless,'; ';Everyone does it,'; or ';It's just the Internet';?

Does it intrude on your relationship?

Which is more important: pornography or your relationshipIf you watch internet porn and hide it from your spouse?

The only thing you should ever hide from your spouse is a surprise birthday party.

Hiding the fact that you are using porn is only one of the ways that porn slowly starts affecting a relationship.

There is an element of emotional cheating, which you may be surprised to find out can lead to actually cheating. One of the number one advertisers on porn sites is adult 'hook-up' sites.

Porn is poison to relationships and marriage.

Confront it head on and deal with the problem before it spirals out of control and you find yourself divorced.

Don't think it can happen? It happens. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of divorce.
yes because first off if one has to hide anything of the sexual nature from their partner is cheating. Second one who looks at porn is not satisfied with what they have. Porn is cheating if it is hidden and forbidden by either one partner and they go behind their back to hide it from them. Porn is degrading to women. If your man is doing this ask yourself if he is capable of hiding non-physical cheating will he be able to hide physical cheating from you. And if it is you who is doing this ask yourself why you need porn when you got a man.
No, it is not cheating.

Some might consider it dishonest. But cheating minimally has to involve another person, not just images on a screen.

Women often have unrealistic expectations for the men in their lives causing undue stress on the relationship. Unless you're the sort of gal who is up for taking care of his needs whenever and wherever he wants it, he will occasionally need to take care of it himself. For most men this is once a day, or close to it. If you're willing to do that for him, you have some grounds to stand on to ask him not to look at porn. Otherwise, many couples come to an agreement where the husband can discretely look at things, as long as he still wants her when she wants it and doesn't rub it in her face.
No. Cheating is having a relationship with another person, either emotional or sexual or both.

Porn is something some people enjoy and some people hate. It's unfortunate when couples have opposite feelings about it, but doing something your partner does not like is not cheating. Adults do not need each other's permission to enjoy something legal within reason.

Now if the spouse watches porn instead of being with their partner, there's a problem with their relationship.
Generally not.

Having sex on your terms, or rationing sex, and then telling him he can't masturbate is abusive. Does he (try to) initiate and you turn him down? What did you expect him to do?

If you want more sex than talk to him about.

If the porn bothers you talk to him about, but understand what you are asking for and what you are willing to do if you want him to stop.

Odds are good he'd much rather have sex with you, but if he has no reasonable expectation of that.. out comes the 'broom'. (Porn = scraps. It's a tool for a chore, like a broom.)
I have known some religious people who would say it is. I do not agree. I think a man can do that for many reasons, education is certainly one, trying to spice things up. More likely he is not quite getting what he feels he needs out of the relationship, might try talking to him about why he does it. :)
depends, this is going to sound crazy, but some men watch porn to get ideas on different positions etc. he might be doing it to spice up your sex life and is to embarrassed or scared to admit that he had to look at porn to do it
You should not do anything that you would not do in front of your spouse. Be a real man. Would it cause her pain? And you are willing to risk that for your own personal pleasure? Concentrate on your marriage. Yes it cheating.
oh come on, no way. that is silly. lots of people who are happily married secretly watch porn. let the person have their fun.

as long as they aren't out banging strippers and porn stars, i think it's fine.
It certainly isn't faithful, honest, moral and upright, don't ya think? : (

Porn is fantasy, that's all.
Of course it is. If your getting turned on by other women what else would you call it?
No way, I'd ask him to watch with me!
No I don't think so but I would be somewhat embarrassed if he found out I did.
Gosh no! That's just ridiculous!
omg no!! would be better if the partners were watching it together though ! would be more fun.
I hope not... Otherwise, I'm a cheater.

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