Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What nickname(s) have you given your spouse/significant other over the years?

Do they like the nickname(s) or resent them?What nickname(s) have you given your spouse/significant other over the years?
It depends who is around when I refer to him. Around the grand kids, I'll refer to him as ';grandpa';. When we are with friends and family, I'll usually call him by his given name. When were alone around the house, I'll call him ';sweetie';. When I'm mad at him, I'll call him . . . well, I guess we really don't need to go there! :) And he likes most of the nicknames I use.What nickname(s) have you given your spouse/significant other over the years?
we have a weird history of ever-chaning pet-names that have been evolving for 10 years. It started as baby but has gone thru changes like buh, boo, beboo with one being primary at any given time. The name also undergoes changes like in Germany, ';das boo.'; or in spain, ';buito';....yeah...we get a kick out of it.

And we NEVER use each other's first names.
My husband is Rambo.

A few years ago, 3 idiots attempted to steal his car in the grocery store parking lot and one was armed. He disabled the weapon, kicked it under the car, hospitalized 2 of them and the 3rd ran away.

Our neighbor who saw the whole thing compared him to Rambo, and the name stuck. He is a retired Army Ranger and hasn't lost a single skill.

And yes, he hates it.
i call him sweetie.this is very odd,as i tended to call my other boyfriends,by their last name,as in ';hey,wagner!'; but from the moment i met my husband-to-be,i had the weirdest urge to call him ';sweetie';.i later found out he took this as a ';sign';,because his deceased mother always called him ';sweetie'; from his earliest childhood till the day she died.she had 6 other children,but he was always the only one she called that perticular nickname.needless to say,i married my sweetie,he loves hearing his life-long nickname-and i am greatful if my mother in lwas spirit really did make me call him that!
He had the nickname, ';Lucky'; when I met him. (He had won a new car in Boot Camp, when he was 17.)

I didn't like his given name so Lucky stayed for 43 years.

He called me ';Bridgit'; Or Dahlin'. I guess because I am irish, and did not like my given name.
Nothing sweet I can tell you that. He is a very serious person 95 percent of the time. Nothing playful about him. We are not compatible in any thing. I don't mind, after 40 years I still go my own way and enjoy life. Poppy
I call my husband my Chia pet. He's a pretty hairy guy and it seems he grows a 5:00 shadow within minutes of shaving. He doesn't seem to resent it. It's all in fun.
Depends on the day.Could vary from Honey to A$$hole. Usually he doesnt resent them. He knows if he's been good or bad and is willing to deal with the results.
I call him ';dearie'; or, in some instances ';Mr. Excitement.'; He's VERY predictable.
My husband and I started calling each other Dear early in our marriage as a joke. Then, after time it became a real term of endearment for us both. I miss those years.
Bear. Sometimes it's Boo-Bear. He calls me Little Bear and I call him Big Bear. He likes his nickname. Gosh, I love that man!!
Actually, none.

Have a Seasoned day.
I have always called him Sweetie. He even looks sweet, and is certainly a sweet guy! At least to me.
I call him ';sweetie'; or ';honey'; all the time, even when I'm mad at him.
I would never call him sugar bear sweety pie in front of anyone.
jackie, I do not think I am allowed to use those name on here and yes resentment could be a word he would use.
Always been Punkin, 47 years.
Beau- as in my beau. Likes it
When we started dating he was my ';Boy Toy'; and he still is after all these years.
My little nest of vipers!
Thump er, because my heart goes thump, thump.

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