Thursday, July 29, 2010

If your separated for 8yrs an don't know how to contact your spouse. How would you be able to get a divorce.?

Easily. You have to put in an advertisement in the last known area he was living. But in today's computer world, the attorney (and even you) should be able to find him easily enough. all you have to know his is full name and birth date. You can find anyone for like 7 bucks.

But if you think he's make it difficult, you can explain that to your attorney and just file an absentee and do the newspaper thing for so many weeks. Each county has it's own rules, about how big the font is, how long it is ran and the types of things it must say. If he doesn't come forward in the amount of time given, then the divorce can proceed and finish.If your separated for 8yrs an don't know how to contact your spouse. How would you be able to get a divorce.?
You would file a missing spouse divorce. This involves placing a notice of publication in your local newspaper. They will then be given a certain amount of time to respond, if they don't then the divorce will be granted be default. You'll need to wait any required waiting periods if ordered by your state but after that, you will be legally divorced.If your separated for 8yrs an don't know how to contact your spouse. How would you be able to get a divorce.?
go to your local courthouse library, and ask the librarian to help you find out how to file for your own divorce.

in virginia, my sister filed her own divorce, and paid only the court. she did not pay for an attorney, nor did she need one appointed to her.

you will first have to go to the courthouse to petition the court for a divorce decree (apply for the divorce).

you will also have to put an ad in the local newspaper, to announce your divorce from him, and run it for 30 days. you will need a witness to attest in court that you and he have not lived together in the same dwelling unit for one year or more.

there are a series of questions (in format) that you will find at the courthouse library, that you will need to ask the witness in front of the judge to answer. these questions are very brief and most require a yes or no response. (i was the witness).

not sure about the procedures where you live, so just go to the courthouse and check it out.

good luck.
I went through the same thing after being separated for years with no contact or clue where the deadbeat was. I live in Ohio so the laws where you are may be different, but I just got an attorney and she filed all the paperwork for me, I had to put an ad in my local paper and a few national publications to give the loser some sort of notice of my intention to divorce him for 30 days and after that if the person doesn't contact your attorney then you are considered to be abandoned and granted a divorce (after going before the judge of course.)
If you have no clue where that person is.. you will need a lawyer..or file ';abandonment';..there are certain things you need to do before the divorce is granted but it can be even if he or she..doesn't response.
It is better way to get relief from the court. Any how you should get the information about your spouse from native place. Contact a good lawyer.
speak to a lawyer, after 7 years I believe in most places you can file in your spouses absence.
Isnt it automatic divorce after 7years. I saw 'the bold and the beautiful' !
Go to a solicitor and find out - the law will vary from country to country.

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