Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do you ever get resentful of your spouse?

Do you try to make compromise and change, try new things, try to be accommodating all with good intent and a good attitude, and then suddenly it will hit you (perhaps after a fight or disagreement) that you are harboring resentment? This happened to me, but I didn't push the disagreement because I wasn't sure if I was ';in the right'; or not.

Just curious if others go thru similar thingsDo you ever get resentful of your spouse?
Trust me, my friend, you really don't know what you've got until it's gone.Do you ever get resentful of your spouse?
I don't have a spouse, but my mom said she was resentful of my dad before. She also said my dad had very bad anger issues when they were married. They've been divorced for a long time, but I'm a teenager, and I still remember how things were back then when I was little. It was pretty bad. I still remember those days. Anyway, my mom was resentful. I don't exactly know what that means, but I just asked her the question. I don't really understand it, but she said she was resentful of my dad before. Anyway, I hope I helped you. I probably didn't. Good luck anyway! If you need help with any other questions, I'll try to answer.
The resentfulness I felt for my ex was that he never wanted a wife and a family. He only wanted a secretary, cook, gardner, maid and bookkeeper so he could be gone with his friends and family. He left me (a disabled wife) to take care of a ranch, child and all repairs associated with the upkeep of a large place.

No matter how many times I talked to him about this, it did not matter. He was going to be gone.
How can you not feel some hurt or resentment. You're a human with needs ,wants and hopes just like the other person you've argued with. Not feeling that your side truly was brought to light. Unresolved issues can fester. That is why a concealer can help to mediate. They will not let things go unresolved.
In marriage, it never a question of right or wrong. Marriage is the sweetest of all relations -- in love and in mutual fight also. It is always better to submit to your wife -- in the ultimate analysis.
I try to voice my concerns as soon as I have them. If resentment pops up (and of course it does....that's normal) it's best to address it and work through the problem quickly.
Don't bottle things up, if you have any worries you need to voice them.

If you start resenting your spouse then things aren't going to work.
i went through that when i was drinking ,she was only trying to help ,but i thought she was being controlling ,turned out she was right ,but hasn't mentioned it since.

I always think about how much easier my life would be if he was HALF as busy as I was.

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