Thursday, July 29, 2010

How do you deal with a spouse that nags you when their relatives visit?

It gets under my skin that whenever my in-laws come over, my spouse starts talking to me as if any little thing that goes wrong or is out of place, is my fault.

Should I yell and scream right in front of everyone to put a stop to this annoying habit?! I am an adult.How do you deal with a spouse that nags you when their relatives visit?
Nope, don't yell or scream. You just ignore it.

Realize that regardless of her motives, your spouse is reverting to a family behavior pattern when her parents visit.

You are still you, regardless of what anybody says or does.

Her statements do not change any intrinsic thing about you.

So, realizing that ... ignore the comments, don't react or respond to them. Be polite, kind, gracious, and move the conversation on in another direction.How do you deal with a spouse that nags you when their relatives visit?
If you don't like that she is treating you like a child in front of your relatives the worst thing you can do is to stoop to her same level and yell at her in front of your guests which will only make everyone uncomfortable. I think the best time to have the discussion with her as to the way she treats you is either before they come over next time or after they leave and things are calm. Just say, I really need to talk to you about this because you are important to me but so is my family, so let's try to find a way where we can all be together in a civil manner.
Unfortunately there's not much you can do besides be understanding and stay out of her way. Obviously her parents are a bit over bearing and she's feeling the pressure. There's stiff that you do that she had to deal with, I'm sure. If it get too out of hand. Pull her to the side and calm hew down then gebtly explain she's driving you crazy.
When she starts to nag firmly ask to stop. If she does not, stoop to her level, nag her about nagging you in front of her family. Say ';Gee honey are you putting on a show for your family because you never seem to have a problem with______ when your family is not here'; Maybe then she will stop%26gt;
Have you talked to your spouse about this yet?

As for what I would do, each time they make a nasty remark infront of the in laws I would say stupid stuff like, ';I'm so sorry master, please forgive me, it won't happen again, I don't want to spend another night in the dungeon';. Either they will laugh, their parents will, or at the very least you'll make your spouse crazy!
Treat her the same way she is treating you.. and when she jumps your ****.. tell her your just reciprocating the behavior... And tell her your tired of the demeaning remarks in front of company regardless of who the company is.
That's not cool dude. She needs to repsect your family besides its both of you guys house right? I would probably yell one time in front of them to disrepect her the same way.

I bet she won't do it again.
That would not be an issue for me at all.

Never put off to tomorrow ,

a butt you can jump on right now !

Is she has no class , teach her some !
Yes, you should so that would put a stop to it make them know how disrespectful it is infront of family guests.
Yep, put her in her place in front of everyone and let her see how it feels to be talked to like that...I bet she'll stop.
yes. you don't have to get crazy. just be a little harsh so everyone can hear.

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